
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I just wanted to take a minute and express how thankful my heart is for all of you! Thank you so much for praying and believing with us!  We are so thankful for all of your comments and emails!  It truly encourages us to hear your testimonies!  God has done the impossible in your situations, and He can do it in ours! It has been so sweet to receive verses from people daily.  Thank you for the hugs, the tears, the invitations, and the phone calls.  God truly knows our needs and He has been using all of you to bless us tremendously! There is no way we could walk through this on our own!  Kenten and I have been SO encouraged when people have gathered around us and prayed for us, or sent emails saying their church/bible study groups have been praying for us! All of you are playing a HUGE part in Andrew's life, and in stirring our faith! Thank you Jesus for Your body! We need every part!

Thank you also to the people who have made us yummy meals. One friend felt like God was prompting her to give us some peanut M&M's with the dinner that she prepared, she didn't know it, but they really had a special meaning to us, so thank you sweet friend for listening to the Lord!  

Today someone sent us a picture of a sign that he was passing by. It said:
St. Andrews Church
With God there is always HOPE! 

Sweet baby Andrew, with God we have great hope for you!

I am also thankful that the Rangers are in the World Series. :)  It has been fun cheering them to victory in the ALCS.  It's provided something fun for us to do with friends as we have been seeking & praying & standing & waiting.  I am ready to put my "rally cap" on for the games ahead, but mostly for the days ahead as we  stand in Faith believing for Andrews healing!

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Your faith and even these words of thankfulness are an encouragement to everyone who knows you! I love seeing how well you are loved.
